
Archive for the ‘Frugal living’ Category

Inspirational Woman of 7: her ABC’s to a Simple Lifestyle

October 19, 2010 Leave a comment

My Frugal ABC’s
The basics of our thrifty homesteading life.

Ask ourselves…do we really need this?…before making a purchase.

Bake our own bread.

Clotheslines, cloth diapers, contentment, and cooking from scratch.

Do our own home repair, maintenance, and projects.

Entertain ourselves simply…the best things in life are free.

Fitness saves money by improving health, which can reduce medical costs.

Give to others.  It is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35).

Hunt to fill the freezer with delicious game meat.

I am the family haircutter and stylist.

Jersey milk cow…provides all of our dairy needs.

Keep track of spending…never spend recklessly.

Learn, learn, learn…we continually acquire new skills and frugal ways. 

Make our own cleaning products and personal care items.

Nothing goes to waste. 

Only use credit cards for real emergencies.

Pray for the Lord’s provision for our needs.

Quit noticing what others buy and spend, we don’t care to ‘keep up.’

Raise as much of our own food as possible on our homestead.

Save a little for those unexpected expenses that always happen.

Thrift stores are fun places to shop, with tremendous savings to be had.

Use it up…waste is not frugal. 

Vinegar…so inexpensive yet endlessly useful around the homestead.

Write out a budget for each month, and stick to it.

Xmas (CHRISTmas) is celebrated simply rather than excessively.

Yarn is inexpensive; homemade items are frugal, lovely, and priceless.

Zealously endeavor to make our homestead self-sufficient and sustainable.

Categories: Frugal living